November is here, and our thoughts at the Inn at Ellis River turn to snowflakes, skiing, sleigh rides, and our winter wonderland. This year the Jackson Area Chamber of Commerce is holding a contest to predict the date and time of the first 6 inch snowfall in one continuous storm. The winner receives half of the proceeds, and half will be donated to support the Mount Washington Observatory and the New Hampshire Sanctioned Snow Sculpting Competition here in the village January 27-29, 2013.
Tickets are $2 each and can be purchased from the Inn or the Chamber. We’re thinking SNOW, so if you book a new reservation for a stay between November 9, and December 22, we’ll include an entry in the contest ~ just say ‘Let it Snow’ when you make your reservation (or put in the comments section if you book online), and tell us the date and time you want to pick for your entry in hour and 15 minute intervals – for example November 9 at 2:15 PM, December 1 at 10:30 AM, etc. (Here’s a hint ~ in 2011, we had a foot of snow to celebrate Thanksgiving weekend.) Official measurement will be in a location by the Chamber office, and you can check progress on a webcam they will be installing there. The Mount Washington Observatory also offers a number of webcam views of Mt. Washington and environs.
If we don’t have a big snowstorm in the next two weeks – or even if we do – Black Mountain Ski Area has plans for their Biggest Snow Dance on Saturday, November 17, 2012, from 4 -8 PM, so if you want to hedge your bet, be sure to pick a time and day soon after that for luck. The Record Breaking Snow Dance at Black Mountain will feature Snow Dancer Carlene from Symmetree Yoga, music by the Revtones, a bonfire, plus food and beverages in the Lostbo Pub. Plan to come and set your feet tapping and flakes to falling that Saturday. (To participate in the record breaking dance, please be at Black Mountain by 4:45 PM). Let it snow, Let It Snow, LET IT SNOW!