The newest member of the Inn at Ellis River’s hospitality team is Emma (also called Miss Emma or Emmakins), our assistant innkeeper Christine’s miniature dachshund puppy. Dachshunds were first bred in Germany in the 1600’s, although miniatures were not intentionally bred until a century ago. Their name comes from the German for badger (dachs) and dog (hund) because their purpose was to burrow underground to catch small animals such as badgers. Of course, we’re interested in helping her learn to make our guests’ stays special, rather than burrowing in the flower beds.

Emma Likes to Snooze!

Emma was 2 months old in April
Emma came to Jackson, NH from northwestern Connecticut where she was born this past February. While she is still completing her guest services training, she has already made friends with many of our guests. You’ll find her in the office helping one of us at the computer or snoozing, or sometimes she will be waiting to greet you on her lead near the front door.

Emma Likes to Help!
She is a smooth-haired black and tan little lady, friendly, curious, and full of energy. She has the high-spirited, independent personality of her breed. She loves to be spoiled with tummy rubs, someone to throw the ball to her, and go for walks on the Inn’s property. Of course, like all innkeepers, she sometimes needs a nap!
You can follow her progress on the Inn’s Facebook page or Google+ page. When last heard, her “Woof Woof seems to be saying “Visit me!”